The moment happens every year...it's December 31st, 11:59pm and the countdown starts: 10...9...8...

What is it about the turning of the page in the calendar, that segment in time from then to now, that sets in motion this worldwide sentiment of renewal, the hope of something good to come in the next chapter.  And for just a few seconds we are united in our optimism that next year will bring something new, something different, and something exciting.

Most people make resolutions, some even compile a list of goals.  But perhaps those that don't are just more perceptive to realize that these promises we make to ourselves -- while made with the best of intentions -- are more than likely to inevitably fail.  Now, there are a number of reasons that resolutions don't stick, typically because they are unrealistic, far-fetched and or simply unattainable.  In other words, without a complete lifestyle overhaul its not very likely you'll drop 50 pounds by next winter.  Not to worry, it's not all doom and gloom.  In fact, the focus shouldn't be on our lack of achievements but rather a closer examination of what is prohibiting our success.  Sure having a well thought out game plan helps but it's more about putting your mind in the right head space.

So the question I have is, why wait until Dec 31st?  What is so special and significant about this day, really?  If you want to eat healthier, start now.  If you want to get in shape surely there is a fitness class available in your area, tonight.  If debt is weighing you down start your financial strategies pronto.  After all, do we really require a countdown to gain the strength and momentum to live our best life?  I know change is never easy but isn't a resolution a sense of resolve, something you should feel good about?  So why on earth would you want to wait to feel good?  Why put off what you really want any longer?  

A few things that made the list for me this year: yoga three times a week, read more books, and maybe not surprisingly, getting back into writing by starting a blog.  But I'm not waiting for a special launch party, no countdown will set me in motion to make what I really want out of life a priority.   Because to be honest, in this busy life how often do we set aside the time for what makes us happy?  So inject the good bits that you want, make time for those things and scrap the rest.   If there is something you are truly looking to achieve my thought is, why wait? Do it.

The hardest part about resolutions is to endeavor to be what you desire to appear and there is no time like the present to get started because the countdown doesn't start at 10, the clock has been ticking since the moment you were born.