'If you harbour bitterness, happiness docks elsewhere.'

I drive past this little Church every day on the way home from work and every week on their board they have a new attempt at posting a thought-provoking phrase.    This week night after night I read and reread, 'If you harbour bitterness, happiness docks elsewhere.'    It's been said that our past experiences molds us into who we are today, but think about it for a second, what exactly does that mean?  Did you ever stop to ponder how crucial our thoughts of how we remember things are?  We've all remembered something a little differently than how it happened whether it be to minimize or embellish - that's just our self-esteem's self defense - but more than likely, it's never as horrible as we would portray.   So I got to thinking about how we collect memories.  How we hold on to past hurts or 'bad memories' which can disrupt and harm the course of our life's future events.  We put our guard up to life in order to protect ourselves because we are living with the fear of our pasts wounds - whether or not they are rooted in reality. And who gets punished most? Ourselves.

I've been told I have a bad memory, or as some might like to label: absent-minded.  But in my defense look at this wild world we live in, there is so much being thrust upon us it is near impossible to filter it all out.  We absorb new ideologies, concepts, and experiences on a constant basis, no wonder at times I leave the washroom wondering, did I flush?  My brain is full.

So it's time to hit delete.  My suggestion, start with the awful stuff.  What is the point of forging forward with one foot in your dreary past.  Whether it's that embarrassing moment at your work meeting, the time you went in for the kiss and got the cheek, or even as simple as burning your dinner for four.  Throw those feelings of disappointment in the trash.   Now, it's not to say you aren't to take from your past, because you are, you take the lesson; but the real point is not to keep it in your tape library to relive and replay.

Even if you don't have a bad memory like me, why use up precious space on your internal hard drive to document the not-go-good times when you could save room for the oh-so-great times?  Don't waste your space with the negative bad memories, it really would be a bad memory decision.

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